Friday, July 31, 2009

No, I'm not Running for President, but give me your vote.

I entered in this Elle Canada Style Contest with the chance of winning $750. I have reached the top 12 and now the winner is decided through votes. SO if you could find five minutes in your busy schedules to go to this Website and vote for me, it would be greatly appreciated. Just to let you know I plan to buy a new camera with the potential winnings and thus attempt at improving this blog! (So you, the reader will benefit too!)

Thank you in advance,


Monday, July 20, 2009

Copy Cat

I saw this Aldo add (well not this one exactly) a few times and each time I passed by it I thought that I really wanted to make it.

(Sorry for the confusing image, it was the only one I could find of the dress)

Once I found the right fabric (a soft rayon, that flows blissfully in the wind) I quickly made this up.

I feel a little unoriginal by coping the pattern but is anyone these days? Plus I changed mine a bit so there...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How Romantic

Lazy Summer Afternoons

LinkI have recently found myself with more time then I am used to (normally every second of my day is crammed with something to do), So, I have chosen to fill it by curling up in my reading nook, or relaxing in the back yard, and catching up on some summer reading.
The book of choice:

The beautiful, flowery cover makes it even more exciting to read and is so appropriate for the current season.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I've never wanted a Chanel purse so bad.

Check out this Chanel purse. I think I want it. I wonder how much it goes for?

Image from Jak & Jil

Friday, June 5, 2009

Let Us Sell You Our Wares

So Rusty and another friend have started up an Etsy site. It is a collection of Second hand, Vintage, reconstructed Vintage and handmade from vintage, Clothing. (So far we have only a few dresses up, but you can check it out here: (This Dress is for sale. Handmade by Rusty)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Frump to Fabulous: Maternity Dress Edition

I found this very 90's dress the other day and thought that with a little work it could be a perfect slouchy summer outfit. It was only when I started working on it that I realized it was a maternity dress... Well it's amazing what a difference a hem line can make.


(Do I look preggers?)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Thread Peddling

Rusty and Wong Ling Ling will be selling some wistful Vintage Fashions to evoke fond memories from times that none of us have experienced (ie. too young). But if you like dressing like you're old, with a young heart (like we do), then come on down to College and Spadina on Sunday and visit the Vintage Fashion Bazaar that we will be hawking our wares at.

See yalls there!

Interested in more information? Check out Studio Gallery's website (the place that is hosting the Bazaar).

Thursday, May 21, 2009

We Do Acid Like it Ain't No Thang

Yesterday we decided to acid wash some clothes. If you ever make the same decision its pretty easy, it just may not necessarily come out the way you want it to!

All you really need is bleach and a spray bottle (or any other application implement), also maybe some gloves (bleach is corrosive to the skin...duh).

Jeans— Before
The Bleaching Process

Et Voila! (Jeans— After)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Croquet Leaque

The other day we played croquet in the park.
Shinanagins ensued.
Don't mess with these hardcore mallet swingers

WLL concentrating hard on her shot

Instead, she decides to attack another player.
Mallets are better used on the head rather than the ball

We found this on the way home.
Everyone should own one. It is a bag that drys you hair!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Spending Spring Inside

I am now in summer school, so instead of enjoying this lovely weather I will be indoors working.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wardrobe Revamp

Every Spring I find myself faced with the same problem, amazing weather after a terrible winter, and a closet full of clothes with nothing to wear. Instead of throwing everything out and starting a fresh is it easier (and less costly) to try to look at old clothes with new eyes.

I combed through my closet trying to understand why certain things just don' t strike my fancy anymore. Last year I photographed myself in this dress for a style competition and won. But I never actually ended up wearing it that often. This is not an edition of Frump To Fabulous because it is not frumpy, I just lost interest. So like rekindling an affair with an old flame I tried to spice things up a bit and revamp an old look.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Spring Dresses

Hmm.... Haven't posted in a while. Sorry! End of term shinanagans, well more like studying my buns off for exams. But here's a dress I made in October.

I think this dress reflects what is going on outside right now. Hope everyone is able to enjoy it!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Trash to Treasure

You know what they say: "one person's trash is another's treasure." Well I sure found a lot of treasures from other people's trash these past few weeks. I found the colourful, striped off-the- shoulder top on my way home from Wong Ling Ling's one evening. The denim skirt and black open-toed shoes I found on separate occasions on my street!
Who cares about the recession when you can find all your clothes for free!

But Wait! I tricked you. Thats not a skirt. ITS SHORTS!
(April Fools!)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Eco-Friendly Fashion Show PT. 2

So here are a few pics from the actual show. Sadly there were too many lights shining on our fashionable clothing, so many of the pictures did not work out. But thank you to Jana for taking them anyway!

Bohemian superhero! (WLL's altered mustard top [Goodwill],
electric blue belt and pinky-beige turban [Nana])

WLL's vintage leather Jacket and wife beater, altered flood pants
(remember this from 'Frump to Fabulous edition 1??)

WLL's cut-off mom jeans and pink sweater with lace tie
(The lovely VV Boutique)

Both our eyes are closed! I guess we were having such a good time that we fell asleep!
Rusty's outfit from lace curtains and WLL's
altered "White Wedding Onsie!"

p.s. I wonder who's stripy arm is in like every shot?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Blog Photo Follow-up (Buck Starball Edition)

This is what happens when you don't have facebook. You have people (and by people I mean a certain creepy 28 year old photographer) take photos of you hitting some less-than-mediocre "alternative" superSTAR with his tin-foil wand and only discover the photos a month later.

Yeah I know, I'm a blogphoto slut. This is unimportant.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Backstage Photoshoot (Eco-Friendly Fashion Show PT 1)

Models in Rusty's eco-friendly line (from left to right)
Reverse cropped sweater over tapestry vest dress (Goodwill $6) and purple vintage boots
Altered 80's floral dress cinched with vintage belt (LingLing's mama) and vintage tights (Courage My Love)

Some secret last minute makeup (we weren't "allowed" to do our models makeup...little did they know.....)

Look familiar? Yeah I did wear my fashion show outfits before the show...(see previous posts for outfit details)

May wears a pink lace onesie over a cream silk blouse (VV $3 and $5) styled with giant gold bow by WLL

Rusty wears a reconstructed yellow polka dot crop top from Japan and altered wool high-rise trousers.
Brett wears a VV granny sweater ($3), skinny high-rise mom jeans (also VV $4) and a Henry Jefferson T-shirt from Goodwill ($6).

WLL wears a white wedding onesie with diaper bum (VV $4) and vintage loafers from Badlands Vintage ($25).

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

No, I do not want to lose my virginity.

Want to lose your virginity? - 55 (Yonge-Eggy)
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-18, 3:50PM EDT

Are you 18-25
Do you feel trapped by your virginity?

I am caring, fit and handsome.
I can help you.

At times like these, I thank god I'm not a virgin.
But I also thank him for making these people exist.... AHAHAH
-Wong Ling Ling
P.S. Sorry this is such a useless post, but c'mon, it's hilars!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Making dresses from Granny's Lace Curtains

Once again not actually cutting up something owned by my Granny. But this is also for that Environmental fashion show we are taking part in. I guess you can see my theme... granny. I have decided this is my theme for life. I attribute everything I do to being a granny, what I eat, how I dress and especially if my old bones are acting up. Maybe when I am actually a granny I will relive my youth and be a real bad ass granny who acts like she's in her 20's. I think that is when I will get a tattoo. Maybe I'll get a mohawk. My poor grandchildren will be embarrassed to be seen with me on the street. AWESOME. that is what i will go for.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Blog Photo Follow-up

Because I don't have a camera, the only way my life has been documented so far is via photo blogs! ughkaegrhkerjjhgfdWHO AM I BECOMING?!?!?!
but you love it
more photoblog lovin to come...
turquoise granny cardigan from VV $3
new chica gemmy lip piercing $40 from Adrenaline (and that's WITH a cute girl discount!)
hands near my face courtesy of Jaqueline Woo.

No Self-Hating Here!

The Asian boy that I will one day date:
photograph by contemporary asian photographer Liu Yiqing

I'm going to stop making socially inappropriate, racially slurred, stereotype charged comments about myself now.

- Wong Ling Ling

Monday, March 9, 2009

Making Skirt Suits from Granny's Afgan

No, I don't think I could cut up anything that my grandmother would knit me. But then again, besides maybe some mittens from my childhood that have long since been lost, she hasn't really knit me anything.

The crazy looking knitted material for this little number was happily discovered at Value Village. I'm not sure if this will become a regular staple to my wardrobe (maybe the jacket). It is actually for an "Environmental" Fashion Show that me and Wong Ling Ling are in. Stay tuned for more recycled clothing as we slowly pump them out.